Sunday 3 August 2014

Sunday Yum

Hello my lovely people.

So today my dad did a charity run and so I thought a quick and simple but yummy and filling meal was in order (along with dessert - of course!)

Enjoy everyone!

Thursday 31 July 2014

New Post

Hello World!

Did you miss me? Aww well I'm sorry but I have been unwell, had lots of work ad been studying hard.
But here I am now, so here are a couple of yums for you all to get your chops round!

See ya

Sunday 6 July 2014

Weekend Post

Hello world I hope you are all well?!

So I have some new dishes to post that I hope you'll take a look at and perhaps fancy trying out.

The first three are things I've tried over the weekend. The next two are part of my sisters birthday picnic. I made a cake and along with the picnic staff I made my own Curried Potato Salad so take a look at those and see what you think. 

Everybody have a good evening.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Weekend Yum

Hi everyone,

So today I thought I would try a new couple of dishes. The first main being Paella and the Dessert being Summer Fruit Pudding. Check out the recipe and see what you think. Hope you enjoy the rest on your weekend evening!

Tuesday 24 June 2014


As I am on top of my studies and have no work today I thought I would do a bit of baking...a 'bit' of baking that turned out to be a 4 hour baking frenzy! 
So here are the recipes that I have done today. Have a look and see what you think.

Stay happy people.

Sunday 22 June 2014


Hi people,
Usually on a Sunday it's a tradition to get a takeaway and relax in front of the telly with my family. But in view of saving cash I decided that I would cool despite me saying that I wouldn't cook this weekend after being ill for the past week. 
So anyway here's one my most favourite dishes for me and my family. Chilli con Carne. This is one of the first meals I ever cooked on my own at the tender age of 15. 15 years on it's still my favourite. I know everyone as there own version but this one works for me so if you fancy a try, then be my guest.


Saturday 21 June 2014

Weekend food

Hi again.
Although I may not be eating a lot this weekend after being so poorly I will upload a few yummy dishes.
Pizza is ever popular, so here's my recipe. 
And talking of Bread, also included is my Homemade Bread recipe which is surprisingly easy and fairly quick to make, and a Focaccia Bread which is yum on it's own or with any Pasta dish.

Have a good weekend!