Saturday 21 June 2014


Hi people,
So this week I've been ill with some stomach bug (poor me) so I haven't been willing to think about food. Anyway, this weekend I thought I wouldn't eat very much as I still feel a bit off but I still need to get some nutrition. So I'm going to do a bit of juicing. I have a juicer and a blender which have totally paid for themselves. If you've ever heard of and or seen that programme about the guy who spent 60 days just drinking juiced fruit and vegetables and lost about 8 stone (roughly about 112lb or 50kg which ever weight unit you prefer to use) then you'll get what I'am talking about. 
I'll try to add some of the juices I've made over the past year and maybe you'll try them yourself. It helped me lose around 9lb (4kg).

So watch this space.
Happy weekend people.  

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